Friday 8 February 2013

Tarantino's Self References

A way in which Tarantino self refrences in the film is when he uses camera angles which a featured in many of his films. This creates his trademark, it is known that as a directer he enjoys to feature elements that the audience will recognise it as his work even if it has little contextual value. This shot of from the victims point of view up to his/hers attacker is also seen in Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown, Kill Bill and Deathproof.

Hans Landa's Pipe

We seeColonel Landa smoking a calabash pipe when talking to the man who is hiding the jews.  This is a reference to Sherlock Holmes as it is a typical steroetype to draw upon. It also suggests the fact that Landa's character has solved the case of the hiding family and is a "detective" for the Nazis. Either way it looks out of place in this period of history, but is seen as a cultural norm which actually is false.